Scouting a property for the first time can be intimidating. HuntNScout will get you familiar with a property before you ever step foot on it. From pre-scouting to in-the-field scouting and hunting HuntNScout is the tool you need to locate, track and manage properties and deer herds whether your looking to hunt public or private land.Property management offers detailed satellite imagery to highlight key terrain features. Log book entries are integrated directly on the property map to help you see deer movement and where deer congregate. See where your scent is currently blowing for any marker on your property or use the power of Forecast to predict where your scent will be blowing anytime in the next seven days.Log book entries include automatic integration of solunar and weather data. That translates into more data effortlessly stored with each log book entry and more accurate information to keep you educated when planning your sits. All required fields are simple one tap selections, no more wasting precious time or fumbling with your device in the field documenting your experiences. Powered by, HuntNScouts forecast system delivers detailed and accurate weather forecasts. Get important weather characteristics such as temperature, barometric pressure and wind direction forecast hourly up to the next seven days. Solunar calculations such as major and minor feeding periods and daily solunar ratings are integrated directly into the weather forecast.